The Future of Cars With Tesla’s Elon Musk

What’s next in the automotive industry? What does the future look like for cars? As of today, electric cars make up a small percentage of vehicles on the road, but their is no doubt that the auto industry is slowly moving to electrification and self driving. In a interview with co-founder and CEO of Tesla,Continue reading “The Future of Cars With Tesla’s Elon Musk”

How To Decide Which Electric Car Is Right For You

As gas engine cars continue to push on, there is innovation in another segment in the automobile industry, electric vehicles; making it easier to decide which electric car is right for you.

3 Ways How Electrification Is the Future of Cars

“Electric vehicles (EVs) currently make up only 3% of car sales worldwide,” according to Policy Advice. Although electric vehicles make up a miniscule of car automotive sales in the world, the technology is promising and has its good points. Technology to where it equals and steadily outperforms combustion engine vehicles by far and is onlyContinue reading “3 Ways How Electrification Is the Future of Cars”

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